Fotogalerie: Alps-Adriatic-Alliance Conference "Creative Synergies" - 06.10.2023
1st Alps-Adriatic-Alliance Culture-Conference
Hilmteichstraße 113
8043 Graz
At this cultural conference - to which you are warmly invited - steirischer herbst and the Alps-Adriatic Alliance will focus on promoting creative cooperation, networking and future partnerships in the Alps-Adriatic region through Creative Europe projects. "Creative Synergies" is a programme that will bring together representatives of cultural organisations from Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia and Austria to share best practices and present successful cooperation in cultural projects.
The conference will be held in English. Admission is free and includes a free guided tour of steirischer herbst. All those working in the cultural sector who wish to network and exchange internationally are welcome.
The conference is hosted by steirischer herbst and is organised in co-operation with the Amt des Landes Steiermark, Abteilung 9 Kultur, Europa, Sport and the
Alps Adriatic Alliance.
09:00 a.m. |
Registration Meeting Point: |
09:30 a.m. |
Video message |
09:35 a.m. |
Welcoming speech |
09:50 a.m. |
Speeddating |
10:05 a.m. |
Introduction of the Alps-Adriatic-Alliance |
10:25 a.m. Live-Stream from Brussels |
Heidemarie Meissnitzer, Diplomatic Council |
Insights into Kulturstrategie 2030 - Land Steiermark Heidrun Primas, independent consultant for the Cultural Strategy 2030 of the Province of Styria |
11:00 a.m. |
Coffee break |
11:25 a.m. |
Best Practice Projects Slovenia: Austria: Moderation: |
12:30 a.m. |
Lunch |
afternoon |
Guided steirischer herbst '23 program 14:00 15:30 |
For more informations please contact Michaela Zingerle: +43 664 540 4289
The current Corona regulations apply.
We take the liberty of pointing out that by participating in the event, you give your consent for photo, sound and film recordings that are made in the course of the event.
As part of our public relations activities, recordings will be published on our websites, social media and print media.